I have been taking a short break from writing, but I have been coming up with new ideas for books which I am happy about.
I just submitted Restraint to Barnes and Noble so it should be for sale there later this week. At this time, it is on sale at Smashwords.com for $0.99. Amazon will probably be the next online bookstore that I will submit my book.
I am also thinking of adding my short stories to other sites to increase readership and possibly increase my fan base. So it will be a busy week. Keep you all posted...
Barnes and Noble
After many months of editing, I have finally published Restraint via Smashwords.com. Thank you for your patience and kind words of encouragement. It has really been a trying couple of months and there were so many delays in the publishing process which were frustrating. However, I am just happy that I can shut the door on this project and open the door to another.
Now, I can get started on a short story I have in mind and finish working on the sequel to Restraint, Lament. Please be on the lookout for the video trailer of Lament as well as the three chapter book preview that I will post soon on Feedbooks.com.
As for my short story, it will be free as always, but will probably be released in a month or two. The preview trailer will be posted on my website.
Remember to leave feedback for any of my writings, because I do try to take every critisim to account when working on future works.
Hello, Everyone.
First, I have been getting a lot of messages about Restraint. The editing process is nearly finished and I plan on publishing it this week. It will be submitted via Barnes and Noble, Amazon and Smashwords at first. I know that everyone that has read the preview has been patiently waiting to read the whole novel... I am sorry for the delay. No one will be happier than me when I submit it!
Secondly, I would like to thank everybody for their positive comments and letters. I read every comment that is sent to me via twitter, my blog, email, youtube, and even reviews. I try to respond to each one. If I didn't, I would like to say that I am grateful for all of your input and positive words. Your feedback is exactly what I need to gage whether I am going in the right direction with my writing.
Look out for Restraint in online bookstores this week!!!