Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Over Half of YA Readers are Adults!

According to surveys conducted in 2012, 55% of readers of YA fiction are adults!  It is no real surprise.  Who hasn't written a bus or a train lately and seen an adult immersed in reading Divergent or Hunger Games or Harry Potter? Adults are increasingly reading Young Adult fiction as the rise of book-to-movie adaptions increasing, giving these titles a wider reach.  The article claims that adults read YA fiction for a bit of nostalgia.  Every adult can identify with awkward teen experiences, but in my opinion, there are more reasons which adults see YA as a better option.

For one, more and more adult novels are leaning towards graphic violence and intimate situations.  Erotica has taken over the indie and traditional markets.  Adults who want cleaner reads are shifting towards books for young readers which are seen as safer.

Another reason is story.  While in the adult realm, crime and suspense fiction seem to be king.  YA fiction seems to be more expansive in genres and much more imaginative, especially with the influx of self-published and indie authors who generally have unique plots.

Either way, YA fiction is just fun.  To read the whole article click on the link below!

Source: http://www.theguardian.com/childrens-books-site/2015/feb/24/why-are-so-many-adults-reading-ya-teen-fiction

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